In an era that exposes people and organizations to floods of information, hand-picked content that is actually new and inspiring perspectives one has never heard about before are extraordinarily valuable. Presentations and key notes featuring Dr. Petra Bock are anything but intrusive ego-driven shows, but unforgettable, highly credible events that instantly trigger change processes among audiences. Her public speeches regularly generate overbooked auditoriums and packed houses with audiences listening so intently that it is quiet enough to hear a pin drop. The quietness is occasionally interrupted by the kind of laughter people allow to get out only if the speaker has reached them and if they have been touched.
Dr. Petra Bock is considered one of her generation’s best speakers. Her very promising public speaking talent was discovered at an early age and she eventually was chosen as the personal mentee by the stars of the speaker scene, including Sabine Asgodom and Prof. Dr. Lothar Seiwert. Dr. Petra Bock developed her very own style, which she now refers to as “new speaking,” It has the potential to mold a new self-concept of speakers that will make their debuts on the stages of our era. She is a master of all presentation formats that move people – from impulse speeches by the fireplace to festive dinner speeches; from grand opening keynotes to major speeches in front of vast audiences.
In her speeches, Dr. Petra Bock exclusively covers topic that truly move people and to which she makes her own, exceptional contributions. This guarantees that the content is new, enthralling and moves her audiences deeply to give genuine inspiration. Those who come to hear her remember them for a long time. Two recent examples of keynotes:
In times of constant change it is imperative that we find our own, powerful stance. At the same time, we have to create lives and organizations that are more vital, stronger and also more flexible than ever before. This means external and internal changes. Petra Bock demonstrates how we can move beyond outdated thinking patterns and penetrate a sphere of completely new human potential. It will make us more successful, make us more effective and give us a quality of life that is far better than ever before.
Technology has made gigantic progress. It fundamentally changes our personal and work lives. The person who feels increasingly overwhelmed in the face of permanent change and the acceleration of complexities has been left behind. Petra Bock explains why fundamental human progress must finally follow all those technical advancements. She shows us ways to make it happen and also why the huge challenges of our day and age may also be the biggest opportunities of our century.
Get in touch with us today and learn more about the achievements
and opportunities by bringing Dr. Petra Bock to your venue!